I probably touch on this topic in some way, shape, or form at least 2 or 3 times a year in my writing. And one of those times always seems to be right around this time of year...and for good reason! It seems like the snow has barely melted (quite literally this year) and I'm already up to my eyeballs in networking events, initiatives, and board meetings; not to mention kids' activities, spring/summer travel planning, and the requisite spring house & yard work. It's really easy to get distracted.
One way that I've found it easier to focus is having tightened up our acquisition search criteria a bit. Ironically, I've found that by simplifying the story of what we're looking for, we've been seeing more opportunities come our way.
So here's the story (or, the focus):
We're seeking introductions to companies with sales up to $15MM (with EBTIDA of +10%), which manufacture proprietary products or engineered products (or provide a niche manufacturing process), and are located within ~1 hour of Milwaukee.
We've also added a little more on our website about our approach and philosophy on business ownership. Take a minute to check it out and please let us know who comes to mind that might be a fit to work with us on a transition.
Moving forward,
~Team Kaztex
One way that I've found it easier to focus is having tightened up our acquisition search criteria a bit. Ironically, I've found that by simplifying the story of what we're looking for, we've been seeing more opportunities come our way.
So here's the story (or, the focus):
We're seeking introductions to companies with sales up to $15MM (with EBTIDA of +10%), which manufacture proprietary products or engineered products (or provide a niche manufacturing process), and are located within ~1 hour of Milwaukee.
We've also added a little more on our website about our approach and philosophy on business ownership. Take a minute to check it out and please let us know who comes to mind that might be a fit to work with us on a transition.
Moving forward,
~Team Kaztex